Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Wine Drinking Pantiliner
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
Veronica with her Harmonica
Monday, July 20, 2009
The innocence of discovery
Monday, June 15, 2009
This will last a while. Just count to salmon
Lanie is talking a lot more and has started to count. Here is how it does
Every once in a while she will add in the six but never the eight.
She said her first cuss word today. ASS...That is the magic word. She asked me to sit in her seat with her and I told her I could not because mommy was a fat ass....ASS she says. Yes Lanie....
So I think that will put an end to my potty mouth.
On a whole nother subject I cannot stand Kate Gosselin. I think she is very materialistic (like stupidly), and she is just selfish. If you do not believe me watch this
Someone commented on there that she could not give one kid water without the rest wanting some and then they would be running into the interview time. Well who cares...if your kids are thirsty they are thirsty. If she had not asked for water herself and then drank it right in front of Mady (who was "dehydrated") then it would be ok. I mean hell I have told my kids they will have to wait for a drink, but while they wait so do I. I just can't stand her.
Also if you watch Cake Boss then you will understand this. First off let me say I am like my sister and I am all about a cake. Really the only part I am about is the fondant (just like her). I have never had it and every time I do to walmart I walk by it and debate if I should buy it. This year I was determined to make my kids birthday cake just so I could cover it in fondant and eat some. That didn't happen, maybe next year. So anyways I love the way the Cake Boss says fondant. Well on tonights show there is a bride who comes by to see her cake. She tells him it is ugly and is very bitchy about it. He walks away and she covers it in all different color icing. Part of me thinks this was a set up just for the show but who knows. He came back into the room, found the cake, and told her she needed to leave. She said she did it so she could show him what color was and give him inspiration. She just wanted a new cake. So what does he do. He makes a new cake. HELL NO I would have delivered the cake she decorated and said to hell with losing some customers. I would have gone to him just for taking her the fucked up cake.
TACKLE...I am tackling it. If you have no idea what I am talking about you have not been to my house.
Saturday, May 30, 2009

Thursday, May 28, 2009
Rosie...1 more
Her vocabulary is growing everyday and she is just amazing. I love her so much.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Goodbye Kindergarten and have you ever wondered how those big wet spots "magically" appear in the middle of the sidewalk?
Then we proceeded to dinner at Mullins for my mothers birthday. It was very good but the service sucked. I still have not gotten my ranch dressing damn it. When we left there we all walked back to Gamz (except dad) and that was when I decided that my niece is ready to start teaching at Harvard. I still have no idea how her and my nephew are so smart. It is actually pretty scary. After we got to Gamz the kids wanted to "wing". Well we "wang" as A shouted "C'mon big trucks". As my sister and her husband were getting ready to load the kids in the car the two ran toward the street and my sister leaped after them in a panic. A shouted at her that their kids were not olympic sprinters. I laughed so hard till I fell on the ground. Then I heard a noise. Here is what I found.
Folks those "magical" wet spots that just appear in the middle of the this one....are not magical. In the words of Lanie they are "Eeewwww" Someone who shall remain anonymous decided that the sight of me falling to the ground in laughter over the olympic sprinters was to much to handle. When I heard that noise I looked up and all I saw was pee flowing down and hitting the concrete. Yes someone peed there pants. You all know it wasn't me, because again, I was on the ground. If you know me and my family though you know who it was. I am sorry to be airing out your dirty laundry (no pun intended) but this was to funny to not share.
All in all it was a good day. Congrats Des on your big day and Happy Birthday Mom....
Thursday, May 21, 2009
An Old Cast and Moldy Peaches
There is a movie that I am sure you all have heard of but I am not sure if you all have seen it. JUNO. There is a song on there that I LOVE and when I heard it I could just picture the girl to be this little mousy blonde headed girl and then the guy would be kinda like Geoff off of Ace of Cakes, tall and kinda nerdy. Well I looked them up last night and OMG was I shocked to see what I saw. You will see them in the clip but while you are listening to the song close your eyes and imagine what they look like. They so do not sound like they look. Oh and the girl looks very good compared to how she looks in some of the other clips
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Barbies and Such
Then they have them smallest accessories ever. When you have an older kid and then a baby comes along you have to ban your older kids to their room just so they can play with their toys because "The baby may eat one, choke, and die". Then when the baby is old enough to somewhat be around the small parts they all end up in the living room floor where they never get picked up until you do it at 11pm at night. You end up stepping on them and they hurt. Oh and then you find one that you forgot when you suck it up in the vaccumm and that catched on fire. Then you have to go and get a new vaccumm...Thank you Barbie.
The one fun thing I have found out of the whole thing though is when Lanie gets Barbie's bike or skateboard and tries to ride on it.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
So when I got back to work I met a lady who was shopping for her daughter. She had a Nikon camera so of course I had to ask her about it. She said she was a photographer and she gave me her card. OMG she is amazing. Here is a link to her site.
I hope that I can have this oneday and have make a decent living off of my work. We shall see...
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Not Again
So I may not be on here for a while.
Well Destinys birthday was Monday and she is 6. OMG that is crazy. Lanie is going to be 2 on Sunday. I was watching tapes of her last night when she was fresh and new and man I miss it. I miss her being nice and calm and quiet. But then when I hear her say Mommy or Oy Back my shoes then all is well. She has such a sweet voice.
I counted her shoe collection and she has 24 pairs of shoes. There are about 5 that she cannot wear right now because they are to big but that usually does not stop her. She wore some the other day that were WAY to big for her but did she care. NOPE.
Ok so I have decided that when I go grocery shopping this weekend I am getting healthy. Damn it I want to my getting skinny like my sister. And I do not want to embarass Lanie and Destiny.
The party is coming up and I am hoping that it does not rain. I will be very bummed. I need to come up with a back up plan in case it does rain.
Ok so for those of you who do not know my photography business may be starting soon. I do not want to jinx myself but here is what is going on. We have a friend who had a little girl in November. I took her newborn pics when I was at Target. She loved them. Well she works for a local mens store and called me the other day to see if I would do a photoshoot for the company. Basically she will set up a mock wedding party and I will take pics of them. From what she has said they may get large prints for the store and if the big bosses like them enough they may be in stores nationwide. SHUT UP!!! So then we talked today and she said that Davids Bridal is who they partner with and that they may use the pics in their stuff. OMG I want this so bad you have no idea. I really hope it works out for me. I am also going to be doing her daughters pics as well of pics of another friend and her baby. WOO HOO!!!
Ok so since the Real Housewives of New York Reunion was on tonight can I please talk about it. I cannot stand Kelly. I think that she has so many insecurities that she is very fake. Bethany is my favorite. She is very real and just cool as hell.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
What's that address again??? 801 Franklin you say... - 55 seconds in
OMG she has a lawnmower like this. Now a Grandma living where she does with this kind of lawnmower is high faluten. When she pulls into the driveway in her Outback people know she is going to walk out of the car carrying her canvas totes (Earth Friendliness people) and in there are going to be Kashi Bars, Kashi Cereal, and some organic bananas. I mean come on folks, she's just that kind of person.
So have you guessed yet where she lives. If you are still unsure I will add this note. When I called her a few minutes ago she was lying on her front porch swing, with a pillow. Now all she needs is to clip out a coupon for 35 cents off a ground round.
You guessed it folks. Five Points. Congrats mom on your new HOME!!!
Look up and see what I see
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Oh but I thought it was exciting. Can I have a peanut butter sandwhich?
We had to make yet another trip to the ER last night. Like stated in my last post she fell the other night and hit her head. Well then last night Simon said she was running a fever and that she was very clingy and wouldn't eat or drink. Well that is usually a sign she does not feel good, if she lets you hold her. So off we went. We were there for 4 hours. OMG it was crazy. There was one girl in there who broke her nose. OUCH!!! The lady who came to check us out said that everyone was in there thinking they had the Swine Flu. She said You know parents don't understand they are doing worse by coming here because it is airborne and they are spreading it. I don't think she was supposed to be talking to me about stuff like that, giving me er opinions on other people. So anyways, me being the crazy woman that I am I thought that the clear liquid coming out of Lanies nose was from her brain. See I am one of those who get online, look up symptoms, and then swear the worst thing is wrong with my child. I looked up head trauma and thought, yea we are tired, we are crabby, we have clear liquid leaking from our nose, must have a head injury. So I asked the doctor and he told me that CM liquid ( I think that is what he called it ) is like water and will not crust up. *File in back of memory because I am sure Lanie will hit her head again in the near future**KNOCK ON WOOD*. So they tested her for strep and it came back negative. They are doing a longer lab test and said if it is positive they will call me. I hope they do call if it is positive. You know sometimes they forget. They gave her and RX for amoxicillin and sent us on our way.
Lanie is taking a nap now so I am trying to use these few moments I have on here to update everything.
So if you read my sisters blog you know she has and Eddie idea for the day every day. Well I am going to do a Bad Seed one. I know I am a dork.
So if you go to youtube and view this clip
and skip ahead to 5minutes and 13seconds you will notice Rhodas glasses that Monica gave her.
Then go here
and skip to 5minutes and 45seconds. I think mom has stolen Rhodas glasses. Smooth move mom. Just adding yourself the the old hit list.
Enjoy your day
Monday, April 27, 2009
Oh I've got the prettiest mother, I've got the nicest mother, That's what I tell everybody, I say I've got the sweetest mother in the world
OH my they are so cute. Thank you again.
Lanie fell off of the porch today and hit her head. She cried for a few minutes and then was ok. I hope she is fine. Simon said there was no need to take her to the ER. I would take her everytime she banged her head.
Well that is really all for tonight
Heres some excelsior for you, you talk silly all the time
OH MY GOD ... Mom you have a lawnmower like LeRoys. WOO HOO!!! I am very sorry for snapping at you yesterday like I did. I was having a REALLY bad day.
Ok well I thought I was going to be able to write a full post but Lanie is thriving for my attention so I will have to write more later
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Oh go on with your lawnmower, they don't put little girls in the electric chair
If you do not want to watch the whole clip skip to 4:35
I LOVE it...
Monday, April 20, 2009
A Girl and Her Umbrella
She is still as mean as she can be. She is constantly telling me about a new boo boo she has acquired. Everday she is learning more words. Everyday she seems to be getting a little smarter. A friend of ours ordered that "Your Baby Can Read" off of the TV. As soon as we find someone who has a DVD burner we are going to burn it (as long as it has no block on it). I am going to make flash cards and we are going to work on reading.
We are also about to start potty training. She is ready but then when she gets on the potty she sits there for like 2 seconds and then says she is all done. I wish I could be home with her because then I would just let her go with no diaper and run to her potty when she starts to go. What has a little pee on the floor ever done to anyone?
Lanie has taken after her cousins pig and nut with putting her turds on the floor. As I was changing her diaper last night she decided to sling her diaper and a little piece of poop fell on the floor. Gross!!!
Oh and speaking of gross may I had that I cleaned up some of Nuts throw up last night. There was not much but for any of you that know me know that that is a big deal for me. OH MY puke. If I am going to clean up after you puke then you know I TRULY love you.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Pitter Patter
She has not done much really in the last few days. She is learning more and more words everyday and now she is starting to ask where all kinds of people are. Her list of people she asks for are Daddy, Omi, Pappy, Sissy (Brianna), and Des. I never hear her ask where i am because DUH I am with her.
Monday, April 13, 2009
So Lanie spent the day with Daddy and then her Gamz took her to Costco for a shopping trip, though that is not what Lanie had planned. When they got in the parking lot Lanie said I wanna eat so they left and went to get something to eat. How is it that she is 1 and she is already in charge???
I have decided today is the day for change. I am going to attempt to be skinny and I am going to try to be a better mommy. I am slacking in those departments and need to tighten my belt and get on with growing up. I went into Frock Candy today, tried on some clothes, and went UUGGGHHHHH at the sight of the BIGGEST arms in the universe staring back at me from the mirror. OUCH!!!
Let's see how this all works out. Post more later
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Happy Easter
We will be enjoying the day in the comfort of our house. Lanie has been sick with allergies (cold) and last night started to run a fever. It is small but we are going to stay away for the day. The easter bunny did not come last night. He is going to wait for Destiny to be here. I will not be able to do that in two years because then Lanie will be old enough to know he is supposed to be here on Easter morning.
I am going to try and get the crib cleaned out today. HAHAHAHAHAHA Fat chance in hell huh? I may not finish but Damn it I am going to try and start on it. I am determined to one day know where all of our clothes are.
Not much to write about now but I will share more later
Saturday, April 4, 2009
I'm horrible
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Eyes, Shoes, and Sauucceee
Nothing new has really happened in the last few days. Lanie is just being meaner as the days pass and I am making myself sick over the pageant.
Last night we were getting dress in her room after taking a bath. A box in the corner of her room tipped over and made a noise and it scared her to death. You could see the look on her face that she was terrified. She looked over towards me and just got this real sad look on her face. Then she sat in my lap up against me for almost 5 minutes. When I tried to stand her up she would not stand up. Finally she was ok but it was so sad and sweet at the same time.
Well we are off to see what other adventure west huntsville toe baby can get into
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Pageant Nightmares
Last night I dreamed that we got to the pageant very early and I was so excited. Then when he called us on stage we had forgotten our form. He said we could not compete and I begged to let him let me fill out a form real fast. It took me forever and then when I was finished I realized it was the wrong form. Then after we walked and stuff Lanie undressed and went to sleep on a bench. She fell off (who would have ever guessed). I got her dressed for crowning and then we left. When Simon got home he asked how she did and I told him I didn't know because we had forgotten to stay for crowning.
I want her to do so good so now I am worrying about everything. I think I am going to have to give people jobs while we are there. Dad of course will be the videographer/photographer. Christa and mom I am hoping will stand behind the judges to make her smile.
I am also wondering if I need to add rhinestones to her dress and shoes. OMG why does this have to be so stressful for me. Hell Lanie is over there and has no idea what she is about to do and I am worrying like it is the Miss USA for babies. Well off to practice
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
March 17, 2009
Wow what a day. Lanie is 22 months today. Man on man where has the time gone. We went to the park today with our friends Jackie and Meike. We were on a mission to get Lanies photogenic pic. I took tons and I only got one that might work. And I didn't even get it at the park I got it later in the day. I got the perfect one at the park but it was blurry. BOO!!! Here is the pic that I got that may work. I am going to ask the ladies on cafemom.

Lanie has yet to try on the outfit she got yesterday. GGRRR!!! But how can you stay mad at her. She is still obsessed with being a baby and she has now become addicted to fruit snacks. She LOVES them...

March 16, 2009

Saturday, March 14, 2009
March 14, 2009

Friday, March 13, 2009
March 12, 2009
So anyways. Lanie has really turned into a talker. Most of the time you still do not understand what she is saying. But there are some things that she has just started saying that are so cute like "outside", "where's sam?", and "Lay-Lay".
Man she is so darn cute. I am hoping we are getting better. She is kinda runny, not out of her nose but down her throat. I am hoping that means her ears are draining.
Well not much more from here.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
March 11, 2009

Monday, March 9, 2009
March 9, 2009

Sunday, March 8, 2009
MIA - March 8

Friday, February 27, 2009
February 27, 2009
After her doctors appointment I had to go to work so she was at OMIs. I picked her up and we went and bought some new cups. OMG she got some of the cutest ones I think I have ever seen. WOO HOO!!! You know I am all about an accessory.
She fell asleep before we made it home. Not much excitement for the day.
Good Night
February 26, 2009
We went outside today and enjoyed the weather. We painted with sidewalk chalk and Lanie made a mess that I thought would be a great pic

Wednesday, February 25, 2009
February 25, 2009

Tuesday, February 24, 2009
February 24, 2009

She climbed into my lap and said "baby". I said do you want to play new baby and she said yea. So I rocked her to sleep like a new baby and I sang to her like a new baby and when I looked down she was asleep. Oh how I love her....
Nite Nite
Monday, February 23, 2009
February 23, 2009

That was really all that happened today. I have been at work most of the day so have missed out on all her festivities.
As I type tonight she is laying on my lap sucking her fingers, rubbing Simons motorcycle mask. She will be asleep soon I do believe.
Well good night and we will see what tomorrow brings...
Sunday, February 22, 2009
February 22, 2009

Today has been like most. We got up to the words of "mil mil" and she was wanting to eat. She does not wake slowly. She is up and ready to go. I have no idea how she does it. Last night she had fallen asleep and Daddy, Destiny, and I were watching movies and eating chips. She, I guess, heard the bag and rolled over, woke up, and reached out for a chip. Now how in the world does someone do that. I guess she takes after me in that aspect, always wanting to eat.
SO anyways back to today. We woke up, ate, and she played with Destiny. I did however find her at one point during the day with her contraband. She started about a month and a half ago sticking stuff in her clothes. I think she got it from a certain someone we will leave unnamed who puts her phone in her bra (you know who you are). Well she just started with shoving her night night in her sleeper and now it is all kinds of stuff. She has even tried to shove CDs, DVDs, and books down there. Today I found 37 puzzle pieces, a block, and a pair of scissors from her doctors kit. She is crazy. She had her pants stuffed so much oneday that she could not even walk because what she had in there was falling into the foot of her sleeper.
Later today we went shopping and then we went and ate at Pappy's. YUM YUM!!! She sure does love his cookies. We took Des home and then Lanie took a big nap (at 6pm I might add).
We went to Wal-Mart...One of our favorite stores. While we were there she spotted a SpongeBob shirt and all she was saying was Bah-Bah Bah-Bah. She loves SpongeBob...Man I am so mad about that. I was hoping we could keep her away from that show.
She is taking a bath with Daddy as I type this...She loves to take a bath. I am hoping I can get her out and she will go to bed so me and Daddy can watch some movies.
Good Night for now and I will see you tomorrow...