Today ends me 4 day off period from work and I am bummed. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted. Lanie and I just hung out at the house today and cleaned. She was sick but hopefully is over it. I am so ready for us to all be well again. SO I really did not get any good pics of her today. This pic I took because I was trying to snap a pic of her outfit but she was not having it.

She was not very happy. She also today has decided that she likes to be in charge of the DVD player. She spent several minutes changing DVDs out. She was so funny. We went and ran errands and hopefully found the shoes to go with her pageant dress. We are trying it all on together Wednesday so we shall see. We will keep our fingers crossed. I am happy to report that our room is no longer as dirty as it was in the above picture. And while I was cleaning look what I found in the dresser

She decided to climb in there and hide from me. This pic was taken as she was getting out. She actually had the door shut and everything trying to hide.
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