This morning started off horribly. We had our sink fixed last night but they had to come back this morning and fix the bathroom sink. The guy was real nice but the landlords are a**es and then the city came and cleaned the drainage system. So we were brushing our teeth with nasty water. JOY!!!
Lanie went to OMIs today while we were at work. She had chicken alfredo for dinner. Man does she love that stuff!
When I picked her up she went to the dresser and got her shoes down. When she did she stuck her hand in one shoe and then put her index finger in the other shoe and picked them up with one hand. How in the world does she know how to do that???
She is such a ham. She kept wanting me to take her pic after I took this one. I think she just likes to look at herself on the screen. Already the makings of a great beauty queen.
We are going to take a bath and then I am going to put her to bed. She has a big day tomorrow. She has her first dentist appointment. =)
Nanie Bernon!!!