Saturday, May 30, 2009

Thursday, May 28, 2009
Rosie...1 more
Her vocabulary is growing everyday and she is just amazing. I love her so much.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Goodbye Kindergarten and have you ever wondered how those big wet spots "magically" appear in the middle of the sidewalk?
Then we proceeded to dinner at Mullins for my mothers birthday. It was very good but the service sucked. I still have not gotten my ranch dressing damn it. When we left there we all walked back to Gamz (except dad) and that was when I decided that my niece is ready to start teaching at Harvard. I still have no idea how her and my nephew are so smart. It is actually pretty scary. After we got to Gamz the kids wanted to "wing". Well we "wang" as A shouted "C'mon big trucks". As my sister and her husband were getting ready to load the kids in the car the two ran toward the street and my sister leaped after them in a panic. A shouted at her that their kids were not olympic sprinters. I laughed so hard till I fell on the ground. Then I heard a noise. Here is what I found.
Folks those "magical" wet spots that just appear in the middle of the sidewalk....like this one....are not magical. In the words of Lanie they are "Eeewwww" Someone who shall remain anonymous decided that the sight of me falling to the ground in laughter over the olympic sprinters was to much to handle. When I heard that noise I looked up and all I saw was pee flowing down and hitting the concrete. Yes someone peed there pants. You all know it wasn't me, because again, I was on the ground. If you know me and my family though you know who it was. I am sorry to be airing out your dirty laundry (no pun intended) but this was to funny to not share.
All in all it was a good day. Congrats Des on your big day and Happy Birthday Mom....
Thursday, May 21, 2009
An Old Cast and Moldy Peaches
There is a movie that I am sure you all have heard of but I am not sure if you all have seen it. JUNO. There is a song on there that I LOVE and when I heard it I could just picture the girl to be this little mousy blonde headed girl and then the guy would be kinda like Geoff off of Ace of Cakes, tall and kinda nerdy. Well I looked them up last night and OMG was I shocked to see what I saw. You will see them in the clip but while you are listening to the song close your eyes and imagine what they look like. They so do not sound like they look. Oh and the girl looks very good compared to how she looks in some of the other clips
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Barbies and Such
Then they have them smallest accessories ever. When you have an older kid and then a baby comes along you have to ban your older kids to their room just so they can play with their toys because "The baby may eat one, choke, and die". Then when the baby is old enough to somewhat be around the small parts they all end up in the living room floor where they never get picked up until you do it at 11pm at night. You end up stepping on them and they hurt. Oh and then you find one that you forgot when you suck it up in the vaccumm and that catched on fire. Then you have to go and get a new vaccumm...Thank you Barbie.
The one fun thing I have found out of the whole thing though is when Lanie gets Barbie's bike or skateboard and tries to ride on it.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
So when I got back to work I met a lady who was shopping for her daughter. She had a Nikon camera so of course I had to ask her about it. She said she was a photographer and she gave me her card. OMG she is amazing. Here is a link to her site.
I hope that I can have this oneday and have make a decent living off of my work. We shall see...
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Not Again
So I may not be on here for a while.
Well Destinys birthday was Monday and she is 6. OMG that is crazy. Lanie is going to be 2 on Sunday. I was watching tapes of her last night when she was fresh and new and man I miss it. I miss her being nice and calm and quiet. But then when I hear her say Mommy or Oy Back my shoes then all is well. She has such a sweet voice.
I counted her shoe collection and she has 24 pairs of shoes. There are about 5 that she cannot wear right now because they are to big but that usually does not stop her. She wore some the other day that were WAY to big for her but did she care. NOPE.
Ok so I have decided that when I go grocery shopping this weekend I am getting healthy. Damn it I want to my getting skinny like my sister. And I do not want to embarass Lanie and Destiny.
The party is coming up and I am hoping that it does not rain. I will be very bummed. I need to come up with a back up plan in case it does rain.
Ok so for those of you who do not know my photography business may be starting soon. I do not want to jinx myself but here is what is going on. We have a friend who had a little girl in November. I took her newborn pics when I was at Target. She loved them. Well she works for a local mens store and called me the other day to see if I would do a photoshoot for the company. Basically she will set up a mock wedding party and I will take pics of them. From what she has said they may get large prints for the store and if the big bosses like them enough they may be in stores nationwide. SHUT UP!!! So then we talked today and she said that Davids Bridal is who they partner with and that they may use the pics in their stuff. OMG I want this so bad you have no idea. I really hope it works out for me. I am also going to be doing her daughters pics as well of pics of another friend and her baby. WOO HOO!!!
Ok so since the Real Housewives of New York Reunion was on tonight can I please talk about it. I cannot stand Kelly. I think that she has so many insecurities that she is very fake. Bethany is my favorite. She is very real and just cool as hell.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
What's that address again??? 801 Franklin you say...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDAWIwiLc9o&feature=related - 55 seconds in
OMG she has a lawnmower like this. Now a Grandma living where she does with this kind of lawnmower is high faluten. When she pulls into the driveway in her Outback people know she is going to walk out of the car carrying her canvas totes (Earth Friendliness people) and in there are going to be Kashi Bars, Kashi Cereal, and some organic bananas. I mean come on folks, she's just that kind of person.
So have you guessed yet where she lives. If you are still unsure I will add this note. When I called her a few minutes ago she was lying on her front porch swing, with a pillow. Now all she needs is to clip out a coupon for 35 cents off a ground round.
You guessed it folks. Five Points. Congrats mom on your new HOME!!!