Ok so I do not know if I can stand another week of pageant nightmares. The first one I had Lanie did not even get to walk on the stage. Then when I told the judges they forgot her they let her walk but gave her the lowest score. We had also forgotten her photogenic pic.
Last night I dreamed that we got to the pageant very early and I was so excited. Then when he called us on stage we had forgotten our form. He said we could not compete and I begged to let him let me fill out a form real fast. It took me forever and then when I was finished I realized it was the wrong form. Then after we walked and stuff Lanie undressed and went to sleep on a bench. She fell off (who would have ever guessed). I got her dressed for crowning and then we left. When Simon got home he asked how she did and I told him I didn't know because we had forgotten to stay for crowning.
I want her to do so good so now I am worrying about everything. I think I am going to have to give people jobs while we are there. Dad of course will be the videographer/photographer. Christa and mom I am hoping will stand behind the judges to make her smile.
I am also wondering if I need to add rhinestones to her dress and shoes. OMG why does this have to be so stressful for me. Hell Lanie is over there and has no idea what she is about to do and I am worrying like it is the Miss USA for babies. Well off to practice