Bad Mommy...I have no pic for today. We got up this morning and the fever was no where near as bad as it was last night. Small but ok. I called the doc anyway and we took her in. She has an ear infection and strep throat. I am going to be taking medicine as well because my throat is sore. Go figure.
After her doctors appointment I had to go to work so she was at OMIs. I picked her up and we went and bought some new cups. OMG she got some of the cutest ones I think I have ever seen. WOO HOO!!! You know I am all about an accessory.
She fell asleep before we made it home. Not much excitement for the day.
Good Night
Friday, February 27, 2009
February 26, 2009
Ok so this morning we are the true example of what West Huntsville is...
The men also came in and started to fix the roof. They got most of it done and they are returning Friday morning to fix the remainder of it.
Then we had our first denist appointment. They do not let the parents come back but there is a large window that you look through. I understand why they do it because if I would have been in there she would not have let me go. She did way better than I though she would. The hygentist had to get help though and they had to hold her down to clean her teeth. Then she got to get a prize and she chose a slinky. When they were done they said the doctor wanted to talk to me. Man was I nervous. He said her teeth looked good but that she may have a gap in her front teeth when her adult teeth grow in. The skin that connects her top lip to her gum is really thick. He said the adult teeth may grow in and there may not be a gap. So give thanks to Dad or GaGa for the Gap. We are not going to fix it when she gets older because we want to keep the gap in the family. We will only fix it if she chooses to have it fixed.
When we got home Lanie started running a fever and you could tell she just did not feel good. She ran a fever most of the night so we are going to be calling the doctor in the morning and going to see her.
We went outside today and enjoyed the weather. We painted with sidewalk chalk and Lanie made a mess that I thought would be a great pic

We will keep you updated....
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
February 25, 2009

This morning started off horribly. We had our sink fixed last night but they had to come back this morning and fix the bathroom sink. The guy was real nice but the landlords are a**es and then the city came and cleaned the drainage system. So we were brushing our teeth with nasty water. JOY!!!
Lanie went to OMIs today while we were at work. She had chicken alfredo for dinner. Man does she love that stuff!
When I picked her up she went to the dresser and got her shoes down. When she did she stuck her hand in one shoe and then put her index finger in the other shoe and picked them up with one hand. How in the world does she know how to do that???
She is such a ham. She kept wanting me to take her pic after I took this one. I think she just likes to look at herself on the screen. Already the makings of a great beauty queen.
We are going to take a bath and then I am going to put her to bed. She has a big day tomorrow. She has her first dentist appointment. =)
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
February 24, 2009

Mom called me this morning to let me know she has pnuemonia...How fun. Despite her illness she is still being a trooper and trying to win tickets to see Kenny Chesney....This blog is supposed to be about Lanie...Not mom.
When I picked up Lanie from OMIs we came home to find the sink backed up. We called RotoRooter and they are here fixing it as I type this. Lanie slipped on the water (because it backed up so much it overflowed onto the floor) and fell backwards and hit her head...She is fine
As I was attempting to wash some dishes int the bathtub(WOW!), Lanie got my hair straightner and mirror and decided to try and straighten her hair. It was so
cute. She was holding the mirror in one hand and the straightner in the other moving it from the top of her head to the bottom like

she was really straightning her hair.
Once again she has some puzzle pieces stuffed into her onesie. That is so her thing.
The RotoRooter men are almost done and I just
got Lanie in her jammies. She let me know she wanted to brush her teeth. While I was getting the step stool open I did not realize her finger was in
there and I smashed her finger. Bad Mommy. I cried. She cried, but only for a minute. Then she was ready to brush her teeth. She kept telling me to Top it (Stop it). I was messing with her ear. She likes to tell me to stop it...A LOT!!!

I am about to clean her face and we are going to go lay in the bed. Hopefully she will go to sleep and I can watch the Real Housewives of Orange County Reunion.
She climbed into my lap and said "baby". I said do you want to play new baby and she said yea. So I rocked her to sleep like a new baby and I sang to her like a new baby and when I looked down she was asleep. Oh how I love her....
Nite Nite
Monday, February 23, 2009
February 23, 2009

That was really all that happened today. I have been at work most of the day so have missed out on all her festivities.
As I type tonight she is laying on my lap sucking her fingers, rubbing Simons motorcycle mask. She will be asleep soon I do believe.
Well good night and we will see what tomorrow brings...
Sunday, February 22, 2009
February 22, 2009

Ok so I have decided that since Lanie has become so interesting I am going to start a blog/365 for Lanie. This way I can keep you all up to date and have captured memories for her when she gets older. For those of you who do not know what a 365 is it is basically taking a picture of her everyday to see how she grows and changes.
Today has been like most. We got up to the words of "mil mil" and she was wanting to eat. She does not wake slowly. She is up and ready to go. I have no idea how she does it. Last night she had fallen asleep and Daddy, Destiny, and I were watching movies and eating chips. She, I guess, heard the bag and rolled over, woke up, and reached out for a chip. Now how in the world does someone do that. I guess she takes after me in that aspect, always wanting to eat.
SO anyways back to today. We woke up, ate, and she played with Destiny. I did however find her at one point during the day with her contraband. She started about a month and a half ago sticking stuff in her clothes. I think she got it from a certain someone we will leave unnamed who puts her phone in her bra (you know who you are). Well she just started with shoving her night night in her sleeper and now it is all kinds of stuff. She has even tried to shove CDs, DVDs, and books down there. Today I found 37 puzzle pieces, a block, and a pair of scissors from her doctors kit. She is crazy. She had her pants stuffed so much oneday that she could not even walk because what she had in there was falling into the foot of her sleeper.
Later today we went shopping and then we went and ate at Pappy's. YUM YUM!!! She sure does love his cookies. We took Des home and then Lanie took a big nap (at 6pm I might add).
We went to Wal-Mart...One of our favorite stores. While we were there she spotted a SpongeBob shirt and all she was saying was Bah-Bah Bah-Bah. She loves SpongeBob...Man I am so mad about that. I was hoping we could keep her away from that show.
She is taking a bath with Daddy as I type this...She loves to take a bath. I am hoping I can get her out and she will go to bed so me and Daddy can watch some movies.
Good Night for now and I will see you tomorrow...
Today has been like most. We got up to the words of "mil mil" and she was wanting to eat. She does not wake slowly. She is up and ready to go. I have no idea how she does it. Last night she had fallen asleep and Daddy, Destiny, and I were watching movies and eating chips. She, I guess, heard the bag and rolled over, woke up, and reached out for a chip. Now how in the world does someone do that. I guess she takes after me in that aspect, always wanting to eat.
SO anyways back to today. We woke up, ate, and she played with Destiny. I did however find her at one point during the day with her contraband. She started about a month and a half ago sticking stuff in her clothes. I think she got it from a certain someone we will leave unnamed who puts her phone in her bra (you know who you are). Well she just started with shoving her night night in her sleeper and now it is all kinds of stuff. She has even tried to shove CDs, DVDs, and books down there. Today I found 37 puzzle pieces, a block, and a pair of scissors from her doctors kit. She is crazy. She had her pants stuffed so much oneday that she could not even walk because what she had in there was falling into the foot of her sleeper.
Later today we went shopping and then we went and ate at Pappy's. YUM YUM!!! She sure does love his cookies. We took Des home and then Lanie took a big nap (at 6pm I might add).
We went to Wal-Mart...One of our favorite stores. While we were there she spotted a SpongeBob shirt and all she was saying was Bah-Bah Bah-Bah. She loves SpongeBob...Man I am so mad about that. I was hoping we could keep her away from that show.
She is taking a bath with Daddy as I type this...She loves to take a bath. I am hoping I can get her out and she will go to bed so me and Daddy can watch some movies.
Good Night for now and I will see you tomorrow...
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