Sunday, November 6, 2011


I'm testing out my new blogger app to see if it works. If it does this will be so
much easier ;)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

20 Mousand

It has been a while. I always say I am going to get good about posting on here, but lets face it. Its hard. I will try though :)

So lanie is doing very well in school. She is practicing writing her numbers and letters everyday. She is great at almost all of them but still gets a little confused on ones that can be very similar ex: 2 & 5, 9 & 6, 3 & E

She absolutley LOVES homework and wants to do some everyday. Thank God she will start getting homework after Christmas break. For now we just make up whatever for her and she thouroughly enjoys it.

She has started with this thing of 20 Mousand. If we have multiples of anything she always asks us if we have 20 mousand of them. And she is still addicted to acorns. I think her world would be complete if she had 20 mounsand acorns.

She has started dance although she missed a few weeks because she has been sick. She really seems to enjoy it though and comes home and shows us what all she has learned. I CANNOT wait until the recital.

She is 4 and she is mean. VERY MEAN. I am not sure what to do about discipline. I really do not think anything will work. However I just saw something on pinterest that sparked my interest and we may have to try that soon. Give her crayons, markers, glue, scissors, paper, and books though and she seems to stay content for a while. The only problem with that though is when it is time to put them away that is when the meanness hits.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Super Star

Why is it that children are so good at school but the minute they leave the building they change. And I don't just mean a little. I mean a whole 180. Like the second they hit the air with their parents something in their body reacts with the oxygen they breath in and they go insane. I only say this because my child got the super star at school the other day. I tried to start an allowance today and told Lanie if she would change the trash and pick up her mess I woul give her a whole dollar. NO LUCK!!! If you can't bribe a kid with money then what is left. Lanie had a fit the other day because she had 4 quarters and not a dollar bill. I explained to her it was the exact same amount of money and she would be able to buy the exact same thing with it but she had a melt down. So what did I do. Exchanged the quarters for a dollar bill. Throw in a chore though and they do not care. Now she did take the trash bag out of the trash can and replace it with a new bag so she will get .50c, but why was it so hard to clean up her mess. And can I add that the mess she made was Easter grass. EASTER GRASS!!!!! Thank God I had not vaccumed yet. Anyways back to my point. She got the superstar at school cause she was so good but when she is home she is the most defiant 3 year old I think I have ever seen. I blame it on Daddy. He has given in to her since day one and I will hold firm. Well I give in too but I will stand firm when I have to. Ok I keep losing my train of thought. So we are still on our medicine for our finger. We have only two more pills left. I am hoping we do not have to go back on it because she HATES it. But shockingly when she is at school she takes it fine. I have been told she does not hold her nose and in the mornings before school she tells me she wants her teachers to give her her medicine and not me. So again. Something about school. I dunno

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Purple Puke at Midnight

So guess what color oreos make your puke....PURPLE!!!! At least if you have just eaten them and puke them up with things consumed earlier in the day. YEAH!!!!

So she is not sick, it is this stupid medicine she is on for an infected finger. It is HORRIBLE and when I mean horrible I mean horrible. It tastes like you squirted germ-x in your mouth.....UUUGGGHHHH!!!!!

Other than that she is just Lanie. I am going to try an post some pics so I can illustrate our lives a little better

This picture really needs no explination :)

Lanie's coloring is improving everyday and she is doing way better at staying in the lines :)

I am pretty sure this picture was taken around 11 at night. She definetly takes after her parents...She loves to stay up late and sleep in in the mornings.

These were our cookies we made for St. Patricks Day!!!!

This is Lanies bar in the closet. This picture was taken with two more loads of laundry to go and previsit to Christa's. Can we say I have an issue????

This is Lanie just being big and cute and amazing. I LOVE HER SO MUCH!!!!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Just call me warty kneed painter girl.....

SHE IS REAL!!!! According to Christa at least. It is good to know that after almost 4 years my daughter is finally real :)

So a couple months ago we had a wart removed from Lanie's lip. It was a very easy doctors visit, she did not cry, and was very excited to get a band aid. she gets to get quit a few band aids. Can we say UBER EXCITED!!!! She has about 8 warts on one knee and we need to have them removed. All Lanie said was "I get 8 band aids" Yes Lanie you will get 8 band aids.

She told Gams Tuesday night that she needed to paint Gams nails. She got her fake nail polish bottle and told Gams just to call her Painter Girl. She tried to get water in the nail polish bottle as her "fake" nail polish but was unsuccesful. Gams told her there was probably a hole in the bottom. Lanie brought the bottle back in the living room and preceded to "sling" water all over Gams as she threw the bottle around. As Gams told Lanie she had gotten her wet Lanie's response was
"It was just an accident Gams, and I am not Lanie I am Painter Girl"
Classic. GOD how I love her

Today on the way to school we were listening to C is for Cookie and Lanie let me know that the song hated her. I asked her why and she said "Because it says A B C D Cookies are for me". Great explination Lanie.

She is getting so smart and so big. No she can not read and she is probably right where she needs to be for her age but she is wise. I guess that is the best way to describe her is wise. She secretly gets it. She likes to act like she can't hear me sometimes and she like to be defiant but I know in her little mind that she knows exactly what is going on.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

St.Patricks Day!!!

Ok! So I would love to be one of those mothers who gets up and makes green milk and green pancakes and has had a leprechaun destroy my house for a week but for some reason I cannot just do it. Scroll down to the time management post....

As I was getting dressed this morning mom said to me "Make sure she wears green cause it is St. Patricks Day. So I change her shirt and get her dressed. Her shoes do not match....Oh well what do you do.

But, travel about 15 miles and you will find my sisters house. Here is what I can envision going on there. The leprechaun has come for the 7th and last day this week and has left some kind of cute green treat for the two. There is an elaborate breakfast of green pancakes, kiwi, and yet another some kind of green surprise. Their milk we be made green with some kind of organic food coloring and the will be dressed head to tow for the occasion. (I am sure they had green pajamas on too)!!!

After breakfast there will be a lesson on the history of St. Patricks Day and then there will be a craft to follow. After craft they will go to the store to get whatever randoms the need for the house and on the way will find at least 3 treasures on the side of the road that will later turn into a profit of about $200.

LOL, man the way we can perceive things.


Friday, March 4, 2011

Thursday, March 3, 2011


I will never learn time management. I HATE THIS!!!! I have a sister who is a stay at home mom, well you all know her, noone who is not family reads this :) But anyways Christa is SUPERMOM. She will say she is not but she is. I sit back and look at her and wonder how in the world she does it. She stays home with Louise and Brown all day, she cooks, cleans, does laundry, gardens, walks, shops, and still has time to take pictures, post them, blog, facebook, and trash dive (Mind you all while making money). I just don't get it.

ANYWAYS...One day I will learn time management.

Lanie is getting over strep. We are out of the contagious stage but we are on meds for a few more days. This one hit her hard until she threw up. I swear she threw the virus up and then she was fine. This occured at midnight after I had been up all day and I was exhausted and she was just getting started. :) Gotta love her. Now she has ringworm :) Poor thing she will be well for a few months and then it all hits her at once.

She is a handful. I am going to try very hard to make sure I start doing this more often. Again the whole time management thing. Again, oneday i will get it.

We have to set our clocks forward in a week or two and I am SO excited. I can not wait for summer although Lanie has no summer clothes. THANK YOU CHRISTA!!!! Oh well it is an exscuse to go shopping...